Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Top 10 Friendliest Dog Breeds

Adopting a dog is a big decision. It’s important to make sure that your home will be a good fit for your new BFF and that they will fit in well with your family. While all dogs are unique, you can usually get a pretty good feel for their personality based on their breed. If you’re looking for a furry little fella that will enjoy meeting new people and do anything to make you smile, you should seriously check out the top 10 friendliest dog breeds.

Top Friendly Dogs

10 Friendly Dogs

  1. Beagle
  2. Boston Terrier
  3. Boxer
  4. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  5. English Bulldog
  6. Poodle
  7. Labrador Retriever
  8. Irish Setter
  9. Pug
  10. Golden Retriever

1. Beagle

The Friendliest Dog Breeds

On top of being adorable, Beagles are also one of the friendliest dog breeds around which is why this incredible breed tops this list. These furry little guys are happy as can be while they hang out with adults, children and even strangers.

2. Boston Terrier

10 Dogs That Are The Friendliest

You really can’t go wrong when it comes to a Boston Terrier. One of these little furry friends will quickly become the comedian of your household. They love to put a smile on their human’s face and their hilarious personalities help them do this with ease. If you’re looking for a small yet active BFF, this could be the right breed for you.

3. Boxer

Which Breeds Are The Friendliest?

Don’t let the name fool you. The last thing a dog from this breed wants to do is square off with you in the ring. Despite their name, Boxers are actually quite gentle and loving. They also know what it takes to make a great friend.

4. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Dogs That Make Great Friends

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are quite popular and for good reason. This breed is well known for their ability to form strong bonds with their family. Plus, their friendliness reaches far beyond the members of their pack. These fur babies are sure to get along great with any person at any age which makes them perfect for an active home with a lot of visitors.

5. English Bulldog

Friendly Dogs

Adorable looks, a mild manner, and an awesome personality are just a few of the many reasons this breed makes a great addition to any home. Calling these guys friendly would honestly be an understatement. English Bulldogs will stop at nothing to form a bond with you, even if that means they have to go the extra mile to make you happy.

6. Poodle

10 Friendliest Dogs

Poodles are another breed that are incredibly friendly. These furry BFFs are also very loyal, quite intelligent and very playful. They also respond well to training which is definitely a huge benefit. On top of everything else, Poodles tend to be very outgoing and they enjoy meeting new people and other dogs.

7. Labrador Retriever

Best Dogs That Are Friendly

It’s not hard to find a Labrador Retriever. In fact, there are probably several in your neighborhood. These guys have earned their spot as one of the most popular breeds in the United States. A calm temper combined with an unbelievable amount of patience allows these fur babies to get along with nearly any person or animal. They have a heart of gold which makes them a great friend and their top priority is your happiness. Now that’s hard to beat!

8. Irish Setter

Friendly Family Dogs

If this breed were to be rated on a scale of 1-10 on their level of goofiness, they would easily come in at a 12. Don’t get me wrong, this is definitely a good thing. If you’re looking for a furry BFF that will constantly have you laughing and smiling, this breed would be perfect for you.

9. Pug

The Friendliest Of All Breeds

It really shouldn’t be a surprise that this breed nailed a spot on our list. After all, they were originally bred to be companion dogs. Pugs tend to have laid back personalities as well as great temperaments. These little guys love to spend time with their humans as well as other animals. This is definitely a well-rounded breed that has a lot to offer.

10. Golden Retriever

Friendliest Dog Breed

Being wise, kind, gentle, loving and very friendly, Golden Retrievers have a little bit of everything to offer. This is the perfect breed for someone looking for a furry BFF that likes to get out of the house and be active. Meeting strangers won’t cause an issue. In fact, your new BFF will love the attention. This breed is excellent with children as well as other animals. What more could you ask for?

There are so many different breeds of dogs that are incredibly friendly that there’s no way we could list them all out. The options are nearly limitless. In a way, that’s a good thing. On the other hand, it can make adopting a really confusing process. That’s why we wanted to lay the top ten out for you. The simpler your choice is, the better, right? Now get out there and save a life! We want to say thank you in advance.

The post Top 10 Friendliest Dog Breeds appeared first on Lens And Leash.



Thursday, September 26, 2019

Top 10 Healthiest Dog Breeds

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes. However, this isn’t the only thing that makes them all different. Each breed also has its own risks and worries when it comes to potential health concerns. The last thing you want to worry about when adopting a new BFF is your relationship being cut short or endless vet bills. Luckily, there are plenty of breeds that tend to live long and healthy lives. Keep reading to learn more about the top healthiest dog breeds.

Dogs That Are Healthy

10 Incredibly Healthy Dog Breeds

  1. English Springer Spaniel
  2. Shiba Inus
  3. Poodle
  4. Greyhound
  5. Border Collie
  6. Bichon Frise
  7. Australian Cattle Dog
  8. Foxhound
  9. Ibizan Hound
  10. Canaan Dog

1. English Springer Spaniel

Healthy Dog Breeds

This breed tops the list thanks to their almost nonexistent history of hereditary diseases. However, while these dogs are typically very healthy, there are some minor issues to watch out for such as eye problems.

2. Shiba Inus

The Healthiest Dogs

With an extremely healthy past, this breed definitely deserves a spot on this list. A lot of smaller dogs tend to be prone to a wide variety of health issues, but that’s not the case at all when speaking of a Shiba Inus.

3. Poodle

Dog Breeds That Stay Healthy

Yet another breed that tends to live a long and healthy life, Poodles of all sizes are notorious for being an incredibly healthy dog breed. They present little to no health concerns which is always a huge plus. Adopting one of these furry friends will bring you many years of good times.

4. Greyhound

Which Dogs Are The Healthiest?

Greyhounds have a lot more to offer than speed and agility. This breed isn’t really known to suffer from serious health problems. Just make sure your BFF gets plenty of exercise and a healthy diet and there won’t be anything to worry about.

5. Border Collie

Dogs Without Health Problems

Border Collies seem to be able to effortlessly stay in great shape and serious health problems are one of the last things you have to worry about with this breed. It’s no wonder why they have been used for so long as working dogs.

6. Bichon Frise

Best Healthy Breeds

If you can deal with your furry BFF experiencing some occasional allergy problems, this could be the right breed for you. Believe it or not, that’s literally the biggest health problem to worry about with these little guys.

7. Australian Cattle Dog

Top Dogs With Great Health

The Australian Cattle Dog is another winner that made it on this list. This breed tends to live a long life, typically ranging between 10 – 13 years. They have great genetics which has led them to be an incredibly smart, fast and healthy working dog.

8. Foxhound

The Healthiest Breeds

Foxhounds are the perfect breed for a family that’s looking for a low maintenance dog with great health. Their long life span ensures your family will have plenty of time to create memories. However, it’s important that these little guys get a moderate amount of exercise.

9. Ibizan Hound

The Top Dogs That Have Great Health

On top of making an excellent family member, this breed is well known for its incredible health. However, if you plan on welcoming one of the furry friends home, it’s important to make sure that you have a well-secured yard. These guys know how to escape and they’re always up for a challenge.

10. Canaan Dog

Healthy Dogs

Typically living for around 13 years, this is a breed you will have plenty of time to form a bond with. With little to no common health concerns, Canaan Dogs tend to remain in great health well into their later years. However, this may not be the best choice for someone with other dogs or small children at home.

It was a lot of fun sharing this information with you and I hope that you enjoyed reading it. As you can see from this list, there are plenty of dogs that live long and healthy lives.

Keep in mind, just because a breed doesn’t commonly experience health problems doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take proper care of them. Regular checkups are a must with any breed just as a proper diet, exercise and a lot of love are as well.

So, what do you think? Could today be the day that a furry friend is rescued from a shelter? I certainly hope so and I hope this information makes your choice a bit easier.

The post Top 10 Healthiest Dog Breeds appeared first on Lens And Leash.



Monday, September 23, 2019

Top 10 Dog Breeds That Love Water

Do you love spending time out on the water? So do the furry friends in today’s top 10 list. Whether you’re spending the day catching some fish, taking a quick dip, or simply enjoying some time on the beach, these dog breeds that love water will gladly keep you company.

There’s only one thing that beats a day cooling off and getting wet and that’s doing it with your furry BFF. Interested in learning which breeds are the most likely to dive right in with you? Keep reading to find out more.

Dogs That Love Water

10 Dogs That Love Water

  1. Labrador Retriever
  2. Chesapeake Bay Retriever
  3. Newfoundland
  4. Poodle
  5. Portuguese Water Dog
  6. English Setter
  7. Irish Water Spaniel
  8. Irish Setter
  9. Golden Retriever
  10. Boykin Spaniel

1. Labrador Retriever

Dog Breeds That Swim

As their name might suggest, this dog breed was originally used to retrieve game from water. For this reason, it should be no surprise that these guys don’t have a problem jumping right in. In fact, they tend to really enjoy it! They make strong swimmers that can spend hours fetching one of their favorite toys while splashing around and having a blast.

2. Chesapeake Bay Retriever

Best Dogs That Enjoy Water

This breed is quite similar to the Labrador Retriever when it comes to both their appearance and their love for water. However, if you look closely, you’ll notice that Chesapeake Bay Retrievers have a wavy coat and they also tend to be a bit larger. This breed tends to be excellent swimmers that take advantage of every chance they get to spend some time in the water.

3. Newfoundland

Swimming Dog Breeds

Incredible strength, as well as a large size, are just two of the reasons why Newfoundlands make incredible swimmers. Their history can be traced back to Canada where they were commonly used as water rescue dogs. So, not only does this breed love a good swim, there’s likely a hero somewhere in their family line as well.

4. Poodle

Water Friendly Dogs

You might think when looking at a Poodle that the last thing they would want to do is get those beautiful curls wet. In reality, that couldn’t be further from the truth. This breed was originally used to retrieve waterfowl and their long history of getting wet certainly shows. While Poodles aren’t commonly used as retrievers any longer, they still make excellent swimmers that enjoy the water.

5. Portuguese Water Dog

Dogs That Enjoy Time In Water

If you like to learn about interesting facts from the past, you’re surely going to love what you’re about to learn about this breed. They originate from Portuguese. However, that’s not the interesting part. Believe it or not, they were used as fishing dogs that would herd fish into nets. On top of that, they also retrieved broken and old nets as well as tackle. They certainly made the day easier for the fisherman that worked with them.

6. English Setter

Water Dogs

You’ll have a hard time keeping an English Setter out of a pool, lake, puddle, or any other body of water. This breed tends to enjoy time spent getting wet more than they enjoy being dry. You probably wouldn’t be surprised to learn that this is yet another breed with a long history of retrieving game from water.

7. Irish Water Spaniel

Best Water Dog Breeds

With a name that literally has the word “water” in it, it should be pretty obvious why this dog made our list. These dogs simply love spending time in water. They have a double coat that’s beautiful and also acts as an insulator. It’s not uncommon to see one of these furry friends splashing around and enjoying a swim, even on a cold day.

8. Irish Setter

Best Dogs That Love Water

Irish Setters are not only gorgeous, they’re incredibly smart and well behaved as well. Plus, you guessed it, they love water! Their love for the water is the result of taking some of the best water dogs and combining them together. The Irish Setter is a mix between an English Setter, Irish Terrier, Irish Water Spaniel and a bit of Pointer. This mix creates a real fun-loving dog that’s borderline amphibious.

9. Golden Retriever

Breeds That Love To Swim

One thing that sets the Golden Retriever apart from the other dogs on this list is their popularity as the perfect family dog. Add in the fact that they love to spend time in the water, and you’ve got yourself the ultimate dog for a family that enjoys splashing around with a furry companion.

10. Boykin Spaniel

Which Dogs Love Water The Most?

This medium-sized breed has certainly made a name for itself in the hunting world for being an incredible retriever. They’ll never hesitate when it comes to taking a dip. However, companionship for hunters isn’t the only thing this breed has to offer. They also make a great family dog thanks to their eagerness to please, loyal personality, and easy trainability.

The number of breeds that love water is almost limitless. It’s important to keep in mind that all dogs are different. While a certain breed may be on this list, that doesn’t particularly mean each individual dog in that breed will want to jump in and get wet the first time they see water. However, if you’re looking for a furry friend that will enjoy the occasional swim with you, the breeds on this list are a great place to start.

The post Top 10 Dog Breeds That Love Water appeared first on Lens And Leash.



Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Top 10 Best Guard Dogs

Home is our own little place in the world to relax. In reality, it’s basically the only place we have where we can let our guard down, kick our shoes off and forget about all of the crazy things happening the world. The most important thing is that it’s where we feel the safest. Have you been feeling a little uneasy at home lately? No need to worry. All of that could change with one of these top 10 best guard dogs.

Having a dog at home offers so much more than protection. Anyone with a fur baby at home knows that it means having a BFF and a companion that shows loyalty that’s hard to find with people. So, you could set up an appointment to have a security system wired in your home, or you could bring home a ball of joy.

Hopefully, this list helps you make up your mind.

The Best Guard Dogs

10 Amazing Guard Dogs

  1. Moscow Watchdog
  2. American Staffordshire Terrier
  3. American Pit Bull Terrier
  4. Doberman Pinscher
  5. Rottweiler
  6. Kuvasz
  7. Boerboel
  8. Beauceron
  9. Bucovina Shepherd
  10. Cane Corso Italiano

1. Moscow Watchdog

Top Guard Dog Breeds

With the term watchdog being in this breeds name, it really shouldn’t be shocking that they make incredible guard dogs. A large size and muscular build make Moscow Watchdogs rather intimidating which is sure to keep intruders away. They’re also surprisingly agile which allows them to chase unwanted visitors away in a hurry. However, they are quite kind, friendly and gentle with their humans.

2. American Staffordshire Terrier

10 Guard Dog Breeds

If you’ve ever seen this breed up close, it’s probably pretty clear to you why they are on this list. American Staffordshire Terriers are unbelievably tough, territorial, and quite muscular. These things combined create the ultimate guard dog. However, this breed definitely benefits from early training. It’s important to help them curve potentially aggressive behaviors.

3. American Pit Bull Terrier

Which Breeds Make The Best Guard Dogs?

Unfortunately, these guys have developed a bad name. The sad part is that most of the stories you’ve heard are the result of bad people, not bad dogs. American Pit Bull Terriers are actually incredibly loving and loyal, and they also make great protectors. Proper training is advised with this breed and at times that can be a bit challenging. I can tell you one thing though. With a Pit in your front window, your house will be the last target an intruder picks.

4. Doberman Pinscher

The Top Guard Dogs

Dobermans are intimidating, to say the least. A tall stature, muscular body and incredibly fast speeds make this breed one of the best guard dogs you can find. Plus, they tend to bond very well with their humans. Their intelligence also offers easy training which is always a huge plus.

5. Rottweiler

Best Dog Breeds For Protection

Rottweilers are another breed that will usually either keep intruders away entirely or have them running from the first bark. It’s no secret that this breed can become aggressive. Would you want to be taken down by a Rottweiler? Neither would I and any potential trespassers will likely agree. While this breed has the potential to be aggressive, they’re actually great with their humans if enough training and love are given to them at a young age.

6. Kuvasz

Best Dog Breeds For Protection

With such a beautiful coat, you might think that people would be drawn to this dog and not be intimidated by it at all. I assure you, if you don’t belong somewhere, the facade put on by this breed’s beautiful looks will quickly fade away. These dogs are quite large and very powerful which makes them ideal for protection. They also don’t like strangers which can be a plus but a downfall at the same time. Just make sure you’re careful when introducing someone to your furry protector for the first time.

7. Boerboel

Bert Option For A Guard Dog

A long history as a protector has definitely given this breed plenty of opportunities to earn some accolades. Believe it or not, Boerboels were actually bred for the sole purpose of being a guard dog. This definitely shows and it’s safe to say that these guys will stop at nothing to protect your home. This is another breed that can become a bit overprotective though so it’s important to monitor interactions between new people and animals.

8. Beauceron

Keep Your Home Safe With A Guard Dog

There are so many different reasons that this Beaucerons make excellent guard dogs that it’s hard to name them all. They’re loyal, protective, gentle with their family, loving, and they even like to work. This breed has been used for a long time as a cattle protector and herder, guard dog, and family companion. For all these reasons, plus many more, they’re hard to beat when it comes to keeping your home safe.

9. Bucovina Shepherd

Dogs For Home Protection

Similar to the Beauceron, Bucovina Shepherds have a long history in protecting cattle. This drive to keep the herd safe transfers over to those they consider to be in their pack. In other words, these guys will put their life on the line to ensure you’re safe. Keep in mind, this breed is accustomed to colder climates. They might not be the best option for someone living in a hot environment.

10. Cane Corso Italiano

These Guard Dogs Are The Best

Yet another exotic breed, the Cane Corso Italiano has been used as a guard dog and farm protector for centuries. This is definitely not a dog that you would want to get into a tangle with and any would-be intruders will figure that out quickly. On the other hand, they make excellent family dogs thanks to their gentleness and ability to form bonds with children.

As you can see, there are some canines out there that make incredible protectors. Some may fit a certain person’s needs while others may not. That’s why it’s so important to learn as much about a breed as you can before bringing one into your household. The important thing is to make sure everyone is happy, including your furry guardian.

The post Top 10 Best Guard Dogs appeared first on Lens And Leash.



Thursday, September 12, 2019

Top 10 Most Loyal Dog Breeds

Dogs are called man’s best friend for a reason. It’s hard to beat the love and loyalty that these fur babies express. We’ve put together a lot of top 10 lists recently about all of the amazing things these animals have to offer. Today you’re in for a treat because we’re going to go over the most loyal dog breeds.

These are dogs that will literally put themselves in the line of danger to make sure their human is safe. Aside from protection, these breeds offer incomparable amounts of love and affection. Plus, they’ll stop at nothing to make sure you know they’re doing their part in the pack! Keep reading to find out more about these incredible breeds.

The Most Loyal Dogs

The Top Loyal Dog Breeds

  1. Great Pyrenees
  2. Shetland Sheepdog
  3. German Shepherd
  4. St. Bernard
  5. Collie
  6. Rottweiler
  7. Beagle
  8. Akita
  9. Boxer
  10. Chihuahua

1. Great Pyrenees

Loyal Dog Breeds

Originally bred for guarding livestock, this bred is notorious for being a great protector. They’ll stop at nothing to ensure your home and your family is safe. Aside from being guardians, this breed is extremely loyal. For all of these reasons, plus many more, a Great Pyrenees would make an excellent addition to nearly any home.

2. Shetland Sheepdog

Dogs That Are Loyal

Without a doubt a Shetland Sheepdog will always place its human first. Simply put, they take loyalty to the next level. Shetland Sheepdogs often cling to their owners and enjoy nothing more than following them around throughout the day. One thing is for certain, when it comes to this breed, you’ll never have to worry about them standing by your side.

3. German Shepherd

Which Dog Breeds Are Loyal?

Have you ever wondered why German Shepherds are one of the most preferred breeds used by law enforcement? The answer is simple. These dogs will literally risk their life for their human. On top of that, they’re incredibly smart and love to be a part of the pack. In my opinion, there should be a picture of a German Shepherd in the dictionary next to the word loyal.

4. St. Bernard

Are St. Bernards Loyal?

I bet you’ve heard the stories about St. Bernards traveling through deep snow to rescue complete strangers. Believe it or not, these stories are entirely true. Nothing says loyal like risking your life for someone you’ve never even met. Most importantly, while this breed isn’t typically used for this anymore, their loyalty hasn’t changed one bit!

5. Collie

Very Loyal Dogs

Have you ever seen Lassie? You might be surprised to find out that not everything in that movie was based off of Hollywood magic. Collies are actually incredibly loyal, and they would to anything to help anyone in need. Their outgoing personality makes spending time with them a blast. Plus, they’ll do whatever they can to put a smile on your face. It’s no wonder why this breed is so popular.

6. Rottweiler

Loyal Breeds Of Dogs

Despite what you may have seen in movies, Rottweilers are actually incredibly sweet and gentle with their humans. However, that might not be the case when it comes to strangers that present a threat. This breed makes a great family dog, a great protector, and an awesome companion.

7. Beagle

Which Breeds Are Loyal?

On top of having incredibly cute looks, Beagles are also one of the most loyal breeds of dogs you can find. This is a dog that forms bonds with ease that last for a lifetime. While they may not make the best guard dogs, they more than makeup for that with their loving nature.

8. Akita

Dogs That Show Loyalty

Akitas are basically fluffy teddy bears. It’s no wonder that they have earned the title “profoundly loyal” from the AKC. Being highly courageous and constantly on alert, they make excellent protectors. Plus, they’re incredibly gentle and patient with children which makes them a great family dog. You really can’t go wrong with this awesome breed.

9. Boxer

Best Dog Breeds For Loyalty

It’s not uncommon to encounter a Boxer. They are actually quite popular amongst families and for good reason. These guys love to play with their family, will do anything to protect their pack, and as if that’s not enough, they even respond well to training. You’ll never find yourself questioning loyalty when it comes to this breed!

10. Chihuahua

Chihuahuas And Loyalty

Small in size, but loyal beyond belief, Chihuahuas are hard to beat. It’s really no surprise that people carry these little fur babies with them literally everywhere they go. There’s only one thing that these guys want from their humans and that’s plenty of love. They’ll be glad to return the favor three-fold.

When it comes to any of the above dog breeds, loyalty will never be a concern. They’ll gladly stand by your side through the good times and the bad. At the end of the day, all they really want to do is make their human happy and protect their pack. Just remember, there’s always a furry friend waiting for a home, a family, and most importantly, the same loyalty they are willing to offer.

The post Top 10 Most Loyal Dog Breeds appeared first on Lens And Leash.

