Thursday, September 26, 2019

Top 10 Healthiest Dog Breeds

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes. However, this isn’t the only thing that makes them all different. Each breed also has its own risks and worries when it comes to potential health concerns. The last thing you want to worry about when adopting a new BFF is your relationship being cut short or endless vet bills. Luckily, there are plenty of breeds that tend to live long and healthy lives. Keep reading to learn more about the top healthiest dog breeds.

Dogs That Are Healthy

10 Incredibly Healthy Dog Breeds

  1. English Springer Spaniel
  2. Shiba Inus
  3. Poodle
  4. Greyhound
  5. Border Collie
  6. Bichon Frise
  7. Australian Cattle Dog
  8. Foxhound
  9. Ibizan Hound
  10. Canaan Dog

1. English Springer Spaniel

Healthy Dog Breeds

This breed tops the list thanks to their almost nonexistent history of hereditary diseases. However, while these dogs are typically very healthy, there are some minor issues to watch out for such as eye problems.

2. Shiba Inus

The Healthiest Dogs

With an extremely healthy past, this breed definitely deserves a spot on this list. A lot of smaller dogs tend to be prone to a wide variety of health issues, but that’s not the case at all when speaking of a Shiba Inus.

3. Poodle

Dog Breeds That Stay Healthy

Yet another breed that tends to live a long and healthy life, Poodles of all sizes are notorious for being an incredibly healthy dog breed. They present little to no health concerns which is always a huge plus. Adopting one of these furry friends will bring you many years of good times.

4. Greyhound

Which Dogs Are The Healthiest?

Greyhounds have a lot more to offer than speed and agility. This breed isn’t really known to suffer from serious health problems. Just make sure your BFF gets plenty of exercise and a healthy diet and there won’t be anything to worry about.

5. Border Collie

Dogs Without Health Problems

Border Collies seem to be able to effortlessly stay in great shape and serious health problems are one of the last things you have to worry about with this breed. It’s no wonder why they have been used for so long as working dogs.

6. Bichon Frise

Best Healthy Breeds

If you can deal with your furry BFF experiencing some occasional allergy problems, this could be the right breed for you. Believe it or not, that’s literally the biggest health problem to worry about with these little guys.

7. Australian Cattle Dog

Top Dogs With Great Health

The Australian Cattle Dog is another winner that made it on this list. This breed tends to live a long life, typically ranging between 10 – 13 years. They have great genetics which has led them to be an incredibly smart, fast and healthy working dog.

8. Foxhound

The Healthiest Breeds

Foxhounds are the perfect breed for a family that’s looking for a low maintenance dog with great health. Their long life span ensures your family will have plenty of time to create memories. However, it’s important that these little guys get a moderate amount of exercise.

9. Ibizan Hound

The Top Dogs That Have Great Health

On top of making an excellent family member, this breed is well known for its incredible health. However, if you plan on welcoming one of the furry friends home, it’s important to make sure that you have a well-secured yard. These guys know how to escape and they’re always up for a challenge.

10. Canaan Dog

Healthy Dogs

Typically living for around 13 years, this is a breed you will have plenty of time to form a bond with. With little to no common health concerns, Canaan Dogs tend to remain in great health well into their later years. However, this may not be the best choice for someone with other dogs or small children at home.

It was a lot of fun sharing this information with you and I hope that you enjoyed reading it. As you can see from this list, there are plenty of dogs that live long and healthy lives.

Keep in mind, just because a breed doesn’t commonly experience health problems doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take proper care of them. Regular checkups are a must with any breed just as a proper diet, exercise and a lot of love are as well.

So, what do you think? Could today be the day that a furry friend is rescued from a shelter? I certainly hope so and I hope this information makes your choice a bit easier.

The post Top 10 Healthiest Dog Breeds appeared first on Lens And Leash.



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