Monday, September 23, 2019

Top 10 Dog Breeds That Love Water

Do you love spending time out on the water? So do the furry friends in today’s top 10 list. Whether you’re spending the day catching some fish, taking a quick dip, or simply enjoying some time on the beach, these dog breeds that love water will gladly keep you company.

There’s only one thing that beats a day cooling off and getting wet and that’s doing it with your furry BFF. Interested in learning which breeds are the most likely to dive right in with you? Keep reading to find out more.

Dogs That Love Water

10 Dogs That Love Water

  1. Labrador Retriever
  2. Chesapeake Bay Retriever
  3. Newfoundland
  4. Poodle
  5. Portuguese Water Dog
  6. English Setter
  7. Irish Water Spaniel
  8. Irish Setter
  9. Golden Retriever
  10. Boykin Spaniel

1. Labrador Retriever

Dog Breeds That Swim

As their name might suggest, this dog breed was originally used to retrieve game from water. For this reason, it should be no surprise that these guys don’t have a problem jumping right in. In fact, they tend to really enjoy it! They make strong swimmers that can spend hours fetching one of their favorite toys while splashing around and having a blast.

2. Chesapeake Bay Retriever

Best Dogs That Enjoy Water

This breed is quite similar to the Labrador Retriever when it comes to both their appearance and their love for water. However, if you look closely, you’ll notice that Chesapeake Bay Retrievers have a wavy coat and they also tend to be a bit larger. This breed tends to be excellent swimmers that take advantage of every chance they get to spend some time in the water.

3. Newfoundland

Swimming Dog Breeds

Incredible strength, as well as a large size, are just two of the reasons why Newfoundlands make incredible swimmers. Their history can be traced back to Canada where they were commonly used as water rescue dogs. So, not only does this breed love a good swim, there’s likely a hero somewhere in their family line as well.

4. Poodle

Water Friendly Dogs

You might think when looking at a Poodle that the last thing they would want to do is get those beautiful curls wet. In reality, that couldn’t be further from the truth. This breed was originally used to retrieve waterfowl and their long history of getting wet certainly shows. While Poodles aren’t commonly used as retrievers any longer, they still make excellent swimmers that enjoy the water.

5. Portuguese Water Dog

Dogs That Enjoy Time In Water

If you like to learn about interesting facts from the past, you’re surely going to love what you’re about to learn about this breed. They originate from Portuguese. However, that’s not the interesting part. Believe it or not, they were used as fishing dogs that would herd fish into nets. On top of that, they also retrieved broken and old nets as well as tackle. They certainly made the day easier for the fisherman that worked with them.

6. English Setter

Water Dogs

You’ll have a hard time keeping an English Setter out of a pool, lake, puddle, or any other body of water. This breed tends to enjoy time spent getting wet more than they enjoy being dry. You probably wouldn’t be surprised to learn that this is yet another breed with a long history of retrieving game from water.

7. Irish Water Spaniel

Best Water Dog Breeds

With a name that literally has the word “water” in it, it should be pretty obvious why this dog made our list. These dogs simply love spending time in water. They have a double coat that’s beautiful and also acts as an insulator. It’s not uncommon to see one of these furry friends splashing around and enjoying a swim, even on a cold day.

8. Irish Setter

Best Dogs That Love Water

Irish Setters are not only gorgeous, they’re incredibly smart and well behaved as well. Plus, you guessed it, they love water! Their love for the water is the result of taking some of the best water dogs and combining them together. The Irish Setter is a mix between an English Setter, Irish Terrier, Irish Water Spaniel and a bit of Pointer. This mix creates a real fun-loving dog that’s borderline amphibious.

9. Golden Retriever

Breeds That Love To Swim

One thing that sets the Golden Retriever apart from the other dogs on this list is their popularity as the perfect family dog. Add in the fact that they love to spend time in the water, and you’ve got yourself the ultimate dog for a family that enjoys splashing around with a furry companion.

10. Boykin Spaniel

Which Dogs Love Water The Most?

This medium-sized breed has certainly made a name for itself in the hunting world for being an incredible retriever. They’ll never hesitate when it comes to taking a dip. However, companionship for hunters isn’t the only thing this breed has to offer. They also make a great family dog thanks to their eagerness to please, loyal personality, and easy trainability.

The number of breeds that love water is almost limitless. It’s important to keep in mind that all dogs are different. While a certain breed may be on this list, that doesn’t particularly mean each individual dog in that breed will want to jump in and get wet the first time they see water. However, if you’re looking for a furry friend that will enjoy the occasional swim with you, the breeds on this list are a great place to start.

The post Top 10 Dog Breeds That Love Water appeared first on Lens And Leash.



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